Distant Energy Healing

Distant Energy Healing


Distant energy healing, is it possible?

The healing process at a distance is almost as effective as in-person physical meetings because in the case of energetic or spiritual spaces, space and distance do not matter much. In personal meetings, physical touch is very rare – and although it can be easier to affect a specific part of the body and transfer additional energy from the physical level, standard healing from the energetic/spiritual level works the same way in both personal and distance consultations.

In the case of the physical body – we cannot touch or physically press on it from a distance – but the human body consists of many layers. The physical body is only a fraction of the whole you. The brighter and more open the mind, the higher it reaches – and the higher it touches. Bodies are coupled with each other – that is, by affecting the energetic body, the energetic body affects the physical body. By affecting the spiritual body, the spiritual body affects the energetic body, which in turn affects the physical body. That is how it looks in a great simplification.

How does the remote healing process work?

  1. The process of distance healing starts by selecting a day on which the healing session will be activated. Usually, between 8 pm and midnight, the cleansing, healing, and adjustment process begins, although the scope of the session is much broader. Additionally, a prepared bottle of water is also included in the process to be charged correctly. To do this, one should leave a 1.5L bottle of water on a printed energy node ( you can download it here ) before 8 pm and leave the bottle overnight. The next day, the water will be fully charged and ready to drink. Water often supports healing processes and acts like medicine. One should drink one glass of water in the morning and evening, or more if needed.
  2. The healing process usually lasts up to a week, during which it is important to be open to the healing process to accept it. If someone closes themselves off from the process, its effectiveness may decrease. If someone experiences a drop in progress, they can ask for the Wednesday session to be repeated by intending for it in their mind. The same applies to the water; one can recharge it once a day with the same intention, and it will be fully charged for two hours.
  3. After the session is completed (if there were no complications), a notification is sent by email that the session has been activated. If significant abnormalities were observed, the individual is informed by a separate email and requested to provide feedback on the changes that occurred. In some cases, people may require longer-term assistance, particularly when dealing with severe health issues. However, some individuals do not change or work on themselves to improve, which can slow or halt the healing process, and additional healing sessions may be necessary. In some cases, particularly when dealing with severe biological issues, there may be limited effectiveness despite best efforts.

One healing session includes correction/repair of:

  • Physical body (health)
  • Energy body (including improvement of mental state)
  • Removal of mild and moderate possessions (for stronger possessions or hauntings, multiple sessions may be necessary)
  • Clearing and escorting hauntings, entities, souls, spirits, and beings
  • Existential body (improvement of fate)
  • Spatial structures (possibility of achieving additional goals or regaining old life arrangements)
  • Spiritual body (regaining humanity – improvement of relationships with people)
  • Transcendent body (activation of entrances to all energetic and spiritual areas – astral travel, unlocking clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and claircognizance).
  • Select number of people

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    *Choose a date for when you would like the healing to be performed.

    Long-term healing?

    disabilities, serious illnesses


Physical symptoms after healing

The symptoms vary and depend on the specific healing, the person and their sensitivity, as well as their ailments and many other factors. 

During the healing session, people may experience the following physical symptoms:

  • Feeling of warmth or cold in different parts of the body
  • Sensation of currents flowing in different parts of the body
  • Tingling
  • Pressure in different parts of the head
  • Increased energetic arousal and more strength
  • Sleepiness

After the healing session:

  • relief, lightness, clarity of thinking
  • inner peace, harmony, bliss
  • dry mouth, increased need for fluids or food
  • change in attitude, change in behavior, different perspective on reality
  • elevated mood
  • runny nose, diarrhea, headaches, seizures, fever
  • physical vomiting or retching
  • localized pain – for example, when a person changes their inner posture, there is a change in their external posture and spinal pain may occur
  • fatigue, weakness
  • desire for change, such as cleaning the house.

Advice for people after consultation / healing:

  • The most important thing is to be in joy, live a new life, health, create, dream, be full of faith and hope.
  • Open up to healing/the healer – the less we like or accept them, the less influence they have on the patient’s health.
  • Thoughts create reality, thinking about healing activates self-healing and maintains the activated action.
  • Do not live with illnesses, constantly recreating illness in the mind, recreates the state of illness and the pre-programmed state in the person.
  • Be optimistic, positively oriented towards life and people, what we send out to the universe comes back to us.
  • Work on yourself, on your thoughts, behavior, and actions.
  • It is best not to watch TV/listen to the radio, politics, programming commercials, violent movies, or horrors – what we eat is what fills us, not just in terms of food.
  • Cut off toxic relationships – according to the saying “You become like the people you surround yourself with” – every day people fill our energy, the more connections we have with certain people, the more they fill us, so it’s best to try to have relationships with positive/optimistic/energetic people.
  • The thoughts and words we fill ourselves with, we spread them to other people, but also to things, objects, and space – and everything we send out comes back, so it’s good to take care of changes in this matter, for example, repaint the apartment, throw away or donate old things, clothes (which contain the old self), wash sheets, blankets or replace them as much as possible.
  • Take care of your comfort more. Do a lot of enjoyable things that have been put off.
  • Go shopping, to a restaurant, feel that you can live! With small steps. Warm cocoa and rest can improve our mood and start better work. Without thinking about the consequences, thinking about the past.
  • Money worries only send a message into space about their lack. Spend money with joy, knowing it will come back. The more we think about something, the more of it we have, directing thoughts towards a lack of money means we have even less. So direct thoughts towards abundance and a beautiful tomorrow.
  • Leave worries behind and seek alternative solutions. When solutions don’t come to us, arm ourselves with patience and faith for a better tomorrow.


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