The perception of time is highly subjective. Our brain interprets it differently. This raises the question – why?

Sometimes difficult questions have simple answers. How our brain perceives the passage of time depends on our mood, age, and life experiences. Each hour is always 60 minutes. However, the sense of time can vary. Our mind reaches into memory and verification. Waiting forces us to draw everything from within or from external observation, i.e., our perception. And here, it is important what is in our overcrowded mind. What is stored in it? Traumatic events are hidden in us, as well as good ones. But why are there so few good memories?

Good memories are usually fleeting, and there are not enough of them to solidify them because they lack appropriately strong emotions. When traumatic moments occur, they are deeply rooted, so the accompanying emotions are very profound. Therefore, traumatic moments are perceived by us as exceptionally long.

Spiritual development is not only about faith, hope, prayers, and meditations; it is also about another world in which time flows slowly, but we are consumed by happiness.

Concentration and attention make time pass quickly. We do not reach into memory, reject thoughts and emotions, and we can observe these effects, for example, during learning. Learning will then be quick and painless for us.

According to scientists from Stanford University and the University of Minnesota, entering into a state of contemplation and admiration gives us the impression that we have much more time.

During play, we focus on one activity and do not use all our senses; we only perceive it partially. Our mind then reaches for experiences, and we learn, so we have the impression that time passes quickly. Such perception of reality during good fun and time that flies by quickly is relatively narrow for humans. To enter higher dimensions, we need to awaken more senses and states to broaden perception.

Gratitude is an essential state to experience life in happiness, which gives us a source of a rich life. Above all, it is necessary to cleanse the mind of previous traumatic experiences. After cleansing the mind, it can be filled again with beautiful experiences. Our cellular memory will then be more beneficial to us in perceiving and experiencing our own reality.

For example, time in the waiting room can pass very quickly or very slowly – it depends solely on the state we are in – i.e., joy or sadness. Therefore, managing oneself in time will be beneficial for us only if we cultivate positive states within ourselves. Spiritual development also involves controlling our emotions, states, and senses, and most importantly – controlling our own lives.

Living in higher dimensions is possible, and it is not science fiction or fantasy. In relativistic mechanics, time is the fourth coordinate, and its passage is an observational point and is different for each observer. Therefore, it is important to change our observations to be beneficial and useful. As for higher dimensions than physical dimensions, we can feel them in our own way when we expand onto them (presence of more senses at the same time), and although they are not physically tangible, we feel and experience them. Therefore, being in higher dimensions, we can reach further with our feelings, observe people and spaces that are not physically in front of us.

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