Reading the character of the face is a quite useful skill, however, mistakes can be made with little practice. In addition to character, diseases can also be read from the face, but that is another article – reading diseases from the face. This time, we will focus on how to read faces, what the types of faces are and what can be read from them.

Reading character from a face face reading
Reading character from a face face reading

Initially, it’s important to look at the proportions of the face. The face is divided into 3 parts, the top tells about the logical/intellectual perception of reality, the middle tells about guiding oneself in life through emotions, emotional reaction, and the bottom part tells about how much life energy we have to achieve our plans.

What the face proportions say:

  • A high forehead tells about a high degree of logic, intelligence in guiding oneself in life, perceiving reality in a thoughtful way.
  • The longest nose proportionally to the rest of the face, tells that its owner is mainly guided by the heart in life, reacts more emotionally, does in life what the heart suggests, the mind has a smaller role in this case.
  • The largest bottom part tells about high vitality, energy to act.

Thus, various face proportions can be differentiated:

  • A large forehead, a large nose, a small jaw – this configuration tells that the owner of such a face will be delicate, fragile, not energetic, but guided by logic and heart in a balanced way.
  • A large forehead, a small nose, a large jaw – a type of person with a firm foot on the ground, mainly guided by logic and possessing a lot of life energy to act.
  • A large jaw, a small nose, a small forehead – these are people mainly suited for physical work, they think less, are less creative, they will do it three times before they think.
Reading character from a face face reading

Asymmetry of the face:

When we look at a person, the left side of their face (their right side) reflects their inner world, while the right side reflects their outer world. Differences between these worlds result in asymmetries on the face. Here are the most common variants and what they signify:

  • If the left corner of the mouth droops while the right corner goes up – the person is internally sad, unfulfilled and dissatisfied, but they find satisfaction in external things such as their living space, people, or the way they see the world.
  • If the left corner of the mouth goes up while the right corner droops – the person is internally happy and cheerful, despite adversities and things they are dissatisfied with in their surroundings.
  • If the left eye is squinted or smaller than the right eye – the person is closing themselves off to the external world and perceives reality based on what they see.
  • If the right eye is squinted or smaller than the left eye – the person is closing themselves off to the internal world, people, or surroundings, despite their potential and rich inner world.
  • A dimple in the left cheek – the person has a romantic nature, but they don’t show it outwardly.
  • A dimple in the right cheek – the person likes to display their romantic side, even if they are not typically a romantic type of person.

Other features related to specific facial elements include:

  • A large, broad nose – good luck with money. The expression “they had a nose for it” is used colloquially to mean they have a talent for business.
  • Large lips – quantity over quality.
  • Small lips – quality over quantity.
  • A dimple in the chin – high libido.
  • Dimples in the cheeks – a romantic nature.


  • One vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows – a stubborn personality.
  • Two vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows – intuition.
  • Deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead – lots of difficulties, problems in life, or worrying.

There are more connections with wrinkles, although these are subtle nuances, and many of them can be misinterpreted. The depth of wrinkles is often associated with the frequency of a problem. For example, deeper horizontal wrinkles on the forehead indicate a more severe problem. Similarly, a person who is more stubborn will have a stronger vertical wrinkle between their eyebrows, while someone with heightened intuition will have two vertical wrinkles that form a “third eye” when they wrinkle their forehead.

What about plastic surgery?

Our inner world is inversely related to our outer world. Any changes to our inner world will result in changes to our outer world, and vice versa. Enlarging one’s lips, for instance, will result in gradual changes in how they perceive, behave, and think about quantity vs. quality. In China, executives often have their noses operated on (to enlarge them), as this modification is believed to increase their talent for making money.

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